Private Channeling & Healing Session – August 7th 2017

Private Channeling & Healing Session – August 7th 2017

Question #2:
I have so many opportunities coming my way for helping. But what are some of the most important, impactful projects that I should be working on?

So many opportunities, yet missing the clarity to understand which ones to follow. That clarity comes from within. We hope that the healing today will provide a form of clarity. We cannot make the decisions for you, which direction to go. Yet we can give you our perspective. It is your life and your free will as a human to decide how you going to live and experience. Yet some of you have chosen to be here for a higher purpose. More than just experience what it means to be human. This higher purpose is now coming to full effect for you and others in this room. All of your opportunities you can filter by understanding what your higher purpose is. And if those opportunities are following the blueprint that you want to bring forth in this world. 

There is much to do with regards to sustainable gathering of sustenance of this body. There is so much to do in understanding how you as society and in these cities stay healthy. Much of almost all would be so much easier to understand, if those that you`re trying to reach would have practice in going inward. 

Question #3:
How does light and sound affect the human body?

The ways you understand light and sound through your senses is easy, because of your experience and your ability to experience. Yet light and sound are more than that. They are frequencies and frequencies have a way of going everywhere in the universe. So light has a certain frequency, sound has a certain frequency and all of it your body is subject to. Now, frequencies have the ability to destroy life or create conditions for life to unfold. You see that by the example of the earth, compared to your neighboring planets. Yet, what is the depth of your question, the next layer that you would like to know?

Question #4:
How does light, sun, create energy for the human body? How can it be channeled? What was the technology used with the pyramids?

Only someone that understands the higher practices of the human form will ask such a question. The human body is capable of producing all its energy from light. Everything you need is energy. And energy is provided to you in many ways. Your ability to transform that energy is where the bottleneck lies, you see. The understanding and evolution of your mind and awakening to a greater truth you will be, you will be able to take the energy that you need from sun and convert it to supporting this human form. Does that answer your question? 

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